With Ayyash theme you can style every page and post differently. To style a page or post individually, open up a page or post and scroll down to see the page setting option. From the page settings option, you will be able;e to style only this page as you want. This style will not be applicable to other pages of your website.
At first, you can see the main header and secondary header options. You can enable or disable the main header and secondary header or set it as default. This is how the page looks after disabling the main header and secondary header.
From the site layout option, you can set the page layout as full width or boxed. This is how it looks when you set the layout as boxed.
You can enable or disable the title bar and page title for this specific page. When you disable it page title and the title bar will be removed.
From the content layout, you can set the sidebar position as left, right or default. You can also choose the sidebar to display on this page, This is how it looks when you set the sidebar position as left.
All these page settings options only applicable to this specific page. Other pages will not affect by these styles.